How to Last for Hours in bed, have Non-Ejaculatory orgasms, and channel your sexual energy into creating your dream life.


In this live training you will learn:

  • Simple methods you can use right away to last  MUCH longer in bed
  • How to have non-ejaculatory orgasms - why most men struggle with learning this and the simple solution to achieve true NEO's
  • The #1 factor that is causing premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, low libido, and performance anxiety
  • How to practice Semen Retention as a sustainable lifestyle, rather than a daily frustration
  • The 3 Secrets to achieving Male Sexual Mastery 

Hosted by the founder of
Sexual Kung Fu, Johnathan White

Friday April 28th, 2023
4:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. 

Register now - space is limited!









Here's what students have said about this training & my work:

"It's really easy to follow and the results have been incredible!"

– Dersu, VP of MUD\WTR & MOM Grad

"I feel more than I have studying Mantak Chia for 7 years!"

– Jonas, Switzerland, Engineer & Embodied Authenticity Coach & MOM Grad

 "Literally every area of my life has changed for the better."

– JOSHUA, single father of 2 & MOM Grad

"This course really helped me understand spirituality with sexuality." 

– Levi, Musician, tennis coach & MOM Grad

The biggest takeaway for me was being able to tap into the physical, subtle sexual energy of pleasure - outside of just the fantasies of my mind through porn."

– Roy, Men's Therapy & MOM Grad

"I never thought I'd be able to feel this way without taking substances"

– Adam, Travel Agent & MOM Grad