The Porn Pandemic

semen retention sexual kung fu Sep 09, 2020


There is a serious pandemic spreading in the world right now, and this is something that's much deadlier than a virus. It's affecting a lot more people. This is the porn pandemic. 

Statistically people are having a lot less sex now, but porn viewing has gone up significantly since the age of quarantine began earlier this year. Porn traffic has increased 300-400% or more so there's much more porn viewing, but people are having less sex. Human sexuality is becoming very disconnected, it's becoming mechanized and we're turning into these sexual machines with a very inhuman expression of sex. This is affecting many people in a very negative and destructive way. There's a major difference between having sex with an actual partner and watching porn. When you watch porn you're stimulating this false sense of connection, this false sense of being with someone, and it leads to certain imbalances in your mind, your body, and your energy body as well. First, one of the more scientific explanations is the dopamine factor. Every time you watch a porn video your brain gets a hit of dopamine and this is the reward chemical. It's released when you accomplish something normally but when you're just sitting there on your computer watching porn you're getting hit after hit of dopamine and it starts to burn out your brain's dopamine receptors because it's not supposed to have such high levels of dopamine over a long period of. When you're looking at video after

video, you're masturbating, you're having ejaculatory orgasms, you're overloading your system with dopamine it starts to burn out your dopamine receptors. What this means is when you're a porn user it's just like a drug. It affects your brain and your body the same way a drug does. You get that sharp peak of dopamine and then you finish, you have your orgasm and there's this drop-off in your dopamine levels, and because you start to burn out your dopamine receptors your dopamine levels get very imbalanced. The rest of the day you feel like a zombie, you feel fatigued, you feel unmotivated, depressed, you have insomnia, and this often leads people to, of course, spend more time watching porn or seek out other addictive outlet like taking drugs, playing video games for hours, binge watching netflix, eating junk food, or drinking alcohol. This leads to this downward spiral of self-destructive behavior because you need excessive amounts of stimulation just to feel normal. This is the downward spiral of dopamine. It also leads to erectile dysfunction because your dopamine levels affect your ability to have erections. When they're imbalanced it often results in erectile dysfunction. 


Basically, when you're watching porn all the time, when you're masturbating to porn all the time, your energy is low, your brain chemistry is out of balance, and you just don't feel very well. So many people are completely numb to this. These conditions are considered normal for a lot of people in our society and so when you're able to remove this from your life you can start to see major major changes.


I want to talk about a little more esoteric side of things so we'll look at the energetics of what's happening when you're watching porn. Sex can be the most creative, nourishing, healing, and experience that you can have. It can also be the most destructive and depleting act that you can do. It really depends on the context. It depends on what's happening. When you're having sex with a partner there's an exchange happening. You're stimulating your sexual energies. They're merging together, you're exchanging your yin and yang energies. This is very beneficial, it's very

healing, it's very nourishing. You're generating life force with a partner and you're sharing it and you're harvesting that. It's very very beneficial, but when you're sitting at home on a computer watching porn where is your sexual energy going? All this sexual energy, millions and millions of people around the world every day watching porn sending out their sexual energy. Where is that all going?  When you think about all this energy, it's almost incomprehensible how much sexual energy is being spent every day by people around the world watching porn. What are you bonding yourself to? Sexual energy bonds things together, it's like psychic super glue. It bonds you to thoughts, to feelings, to actions, so what are you bonding yourself to when you're watching porn and masturbating? You're bonding yourself to sitting in your office chair every night at seven o'clock one hand on your genitals the other hand on your computer mouse just jerking off to porn. You're gluing yourself to that pattern and it becomes addictive. You're creating that pattern in your life and it becomes very difficult to break because you glued yourself to it. On an even higher level, again, where is all this sexual energy going?  Millions and millions of people are sending out this powerful sexual energy. 


The semen energy is very powerful. It's the jing chi. One of my teachers, Michael Winn, talks about the internet sex beast. This is a powerful astral entity that is feeding off people's sexual energy that they're just discarding. This is what's behind a lot of the porn industry. There’s this nasty dark force, that is what you were bonding to and sending your sexual energy into when you are masturbating to porn.  You're connecting to this nasty dark entity it's literally sucking the life force out of you because you're happily sending it out there. You can imagine, again, with millions of people around the world masturbating to porn every day feeding these dark astral entities, that's going to be a pretty powerful entity. We can see just how major of a force this is on a planet and it's it's such a destructive force, it's behind the porn industry, it's also behind a lot of the human sex trafficking that's happening. We're finding out that all these elite leaders of the planet have been involved in human trafficking and pedophilia, all these very dark things that are being emerged out into the light. 


Porn addiction is so normalized in our society. It's completely normalized, it's all over media, it's everywhere. People just talk about watching porn like it's a healthy thing to do and this is a control system. It's set up this way to have your sexual energy literally be feeding something else. You can think of the movie The Matrix. There's the scene where Neo wakes up and he's wired into this machine, he looks around and there's thousands and thousands of humans and they're all connected  to the machines. They're being fed off of by these machines, these dark forces, and it's exactly what's happening in this world. You can imagine these psychic tentacles being hooked into everyone's sexual center, they're literally being fed off of their sexual energy. Human sexual energy is being fed off of and harvested on a massive scale. When you start to break this parasitic connection to these entities that are feeding off of your sexual energy, once you start to reclaim your own sexual energy and use that for yourself, imagine how much more energy you’ll have.  Your energy levels improved 50-100% or more all of a sudden. You have all this drive, you have all this clarity, all this focus. You have this drive to get out in the world and to make things happen because you're no longer being fed off of.

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