Porn Addiction - A Modern Epidemic

semen retention sexual kung fu exercises Dec 16, 2019

Porn causes physical, mental, emotional, social, and sexual dysfunctions for men. When you watch porn, the brain gets a hit of dopamine; so when you’re clicking video after video your dopamine levels go up to 200% the normal level.  Why is this a problem? The unusual amount of dopamine released while watching pornography causes the brain to shut down & shut down dopamine receptor sites so that less are available, effectively becoming desensitized to dopamine.  This means that when you’re not looking at porn you feel depressed and lethargic. This causes many people to seek other addictive activities.


Porn completely distorts a man’s view of sexuality. The majority of us learn about sex through porn, I certainly did. Porn depicts a completely fake and out-of-context view of sexuality - one that favors the man experiencing a very limited amount of pleasure which is totally fixated on a short-lived explosive orgasm which actually depletes his energy. You don’t learn how to feel love, how to emotionally connect, how to have full body and spiritual orgasms from porn. You only learn how to mindlessly thrust into your partner to release the sexual power that you are uncomfortable holding in your body.


Sexual energy is psychic superglue. It bonds you to thoughts feelings, emotions, and people. When you interact with porn your start to bond yourself to it which is one reason it becomes such an addiction - you are gluing yourself to porn. Most porn actors are battling depression, drug addiction, and mental issues. Do you really want to be bonding your sexual energy to them?


The majority of the internet is porn, the public spread of the internet was actually founded by porn companies. With the abundant availability of free pornography, it would seem that this has been systematically put into place. A man who is controlled by his lowest sexual impulses and is regularly triggered to constantly ejaculate his life force has low testosterone, low energy, no motivation, no willpower, no desire to take action in his life. Basically he becomes a perfect slave; he is easy to manipulate and control - they literally have you by the balls.


In my teens and early 20's, watching and masturbating to porn was part of my daily habit. After studying Tantra and Taoist sexology, I began to realize the  destructive effects porn was having on my daily life and relationships. Learning Sexual Kung Fu practices helped me to leave porn behind, and step into my own power and inner fulfillment. If you’re struggling with this issue, I have some advice for breaking porn addiction in this video.

My 6-week course, Multi-Orgasmic Man, is a powerful resource for learning to control your sexual energy, break porn addiction, and build a daily practice which energizes you, keeps you in the flow, and helps you tap into natural high states 24/7 . Check that out here.


By Johnathan White
Creator of Sexual Kung Fu

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